In fact from medical angle, circumcision or disturb physiology development girl child because what carried out only hurt a little part clitoris. A little wound in part clitoris does not affect child physiology involved, on the other hand their physiology is affected if the circumcision technique wrong.
For example such as in Sudan, all clitoris, labia and minora the cut. Circumcision like Firaun (like those carry out in Saudi Arabia) also carried out in the event most radical (infibulasi) such as cut all clitoris, labia minora and majora. Harshest circumcision (introsisi) happening among tribesman in Australia when cutting carried out reach to vagina pore.
In Malaysia, circumcise Muslim chief girl child made according to principle based on Islamic medical. “Girl child most circumcision usually as early as day age two up to less from two year. In my opinion, baby's age (less a year) is best age to be circumcised because thin leather apart from quick wound recovered.
Children at the age between two to four overactive year and requires more assistant holding onto they when circumcision. Bigger children, namely almost youth surely embarrassed and then relatively thick skin need pretty deep deduction to produce a drop blood.
So, even though it must injured a little but quite painful. Then, medicine will be placed to help reduce pain.
We already know, purpose circumcise in boy to rid faeces found in gaiter glans penis while girl child to stabilize his lust.
From Islamic Angle.
# Small wound in part clitoris recovered quickly surely no disease complication and many his meaning from religious aspect.
# Circumcise is tithe claim and a greatness of Islam
# As complete Islamic claim based on Nabi Ibrahim AS's sunnah.
# To distinguish between Muslims with follower of other religions. However, now non-Muslim were also those already started circumcision.
# As a loyalty pledge slavery on SAW's Allah obediently all and duck under law and his power.
From Health Angle
# To clean penis, improve, beautify his form and increase delicacy when sexual intercourse.
# Oversee sexual energy health and preserve self of experience venereal disease, disease cancer and others.
1 comment:
In many countries, any form of female circumcision is illegal.
These sites all provide Muslim perspectives questioning circumcision:
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